Source code for cubane.settings

# coding=UTF-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from cubane.lib.module import get_module_by_name, module_exists
from cubane.lib.acl import Acl
from decimal import Decimal
import os
import sys

class SettingsValidationError(ValueError):

def validate_settings(settings):
    Validate the given settings.
    # if staticfiles is used, make sure it is installed AFTER cubane.
    if 'django.contrib.staticfiles' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and \
       'cubane' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
        # compare indicies
        index_staticfiles = settings.INSTALLED_APPS.index('django.contrib.staticfiles')
        index_cubane = settings.INSTALLED_APPS.index('cubane')
        if index_staticfiles < index_cubane:
            raise SettingsValidationError(
                'The app \'django.contrib.staticfiles\' should appear AFTER ' +
                '\'cubane\'. Use the \'add_apps()\' helper method in order ' +
                'to safely add installed apps without having to manually ' +
                'take care of the correct order.'

def get_default_templates(base_path, debug):
    Return the default templates settings configuration structure
    based on given base path and debug settings.
    # default template loader and template paths
    _template_loaders = (

    # load with template caching in production
    if not debug:
        _template_loaders = (
            ('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader', _template_loaders),

    return [
            'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
            'DIRS': [
                os.path.join(base_path, 'templates')
            'OPTIONS': {
                'context_processors': [
                'loaders': _template_loaders

class SettingWrapper(object):
    Returned by default_env() that provides additional helper methods for
    the project's settings file to use in order to work with settings, such as
    adding addition context processors or apps.

    def __init__(self, m):
        Create a new settings wrapper for the given settings module m.
        self.m = m

    def add_template_context_processors(self, template_context_processors):
        Add the given list of template processors.
        if not isinstance(template_context_processors, list):
            template_context_processors = [template_context_processors]

        # create TEMPLATES if it does not exist
        if not hasattr(self.m, 'TEMPLATES'):
            setattr(self.m, 'TEMPLATES', [])

        # create generic django-based template settings if empty
        if not self.m.TEMPLATES:
            self.m.TEMPLATES = get_default_templates(self.m.BASE_PATH, self.m.DEBUG)

        # create 'OPTIONS' if not present
        if 'OPTIONS' not in self.m.TEMPLATES[0]:
            self.m.TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS'] = {};

        # create 'context_processors' if not present
        if 'context_processors' not in self.m.TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']:
            self.m.TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors'] = [];

        # add to context processors

        return self

    def add_apps(self, apps=None):
        Add given list of apps to the system. Please note that staticfiles is
        (on purpose) kept at the end of the list, since cubane overrides
        # convert to list
        installed_apps = self.m.INSTALLED_APPS
        if not isinstance(self.m.INSTALLED_APPS, list):
            installed_apps = list(self.m.INSTALLED_APPS)

        # convert argument to list
        if not apps:
            apps = []
        elif not isinstance(apps, list):
            apps = [apps]

        # add apps (without duplicates)
        for app in apps:
            if app not in installed_apps:

        # are we actually using cubane?
            index = installed_apps.index('cubane')
        except ValueError:
            index = -1

        if index >= 0:
            # make sure that certain apps are loaded AFTER cubane
            load_apps_after_cubane = []
            for app in self.LOAD_APPS_AFTER_CUBANE:
                # extract out of existing set of installed apps
                if app in installed_apps:
                    if app not in load_apps_after_cubane:

            # re-insert apps that need to be loaded after cubane after having
            # loaded cubane in the order they have been defined.
            if len(load_apps_after_cubane) > 0:
                installed_apps = (
                    installed_apps[:index + 1] +
                    load_apps_after_cubane +
                    installed_apps[index + 1:]

        # save result in settings
        self.m.INSTALLED_APPS = installed_apps

        # adjust max. data upload fields if we are using the shop system
        if 'cubane.ishop' in installed_apps:
            self.m.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS = 5000

        return self

    def settings(self):
        Return the settings module.
        return self.m

[docs]def default_env( module_name, domain_name, admin_email, site_name=None, db_name=None, test=None, debug=None, debug_toolbar=False, high_res_images=False, image_credits=False, pull_host=None, pull_user=None, pull_sudo=None, pull_db_name=None, pull_shell=None, csrf=False, ssl=False, frontend_editing=False, email_file_log=False): """ Setup default configuration, where module_name is the settings module that is calling this function, domain_name the name of the website or project. The default project configuration setup a PostgreSQL database with a name that is equal to the name of the project (e.g. domain_name). The base path is determined by the absolute path of the module that is named module_name. In order to pre-configure your project, add the following two lines to your file: from lib.settings import default_env env = default_env(__name__, '') """ # get settings module and normalise site name m = get_module_by_name(module_name) domain_name = domain_name.strip().lower() # # Determine if we are running under TEST # m.TEST = test if test is not None else 'test' in sys.argv # determine debug or production mode. # default is production mode unless we find the environment variable # DEV_MODE to be set to 1, in which case we assume DEBUG mode. m.DEBUG = debug if debug is not None else os.environ.get('DEV_MODE', '0') == '1' and not m.TEST m.MINIFY_RESOURCES = not m.DEBUG and not m.TEST # # Site # m.SITE_ID = 1 m.DOMAIN_NAME = domain_name m.ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] m.TRACK_REVISION = True m.GENERATE_MINIFY_SRC = False m.DEBUG_DOMAIN_NAME = None # # Site name # m.CUBANE_SITE_NAME = site_name # # Database name # if db_name: m.DATABASE_NAME = db_name else: m.DATABASE_NAME = domain_name.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_') # # Default path # m.CUBANE_PATH = os.path.realpath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '../' ) ) m.BASE_PATH = os.path.realpath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(m.__file__), '../' ) ) # # Resource compressors # if m.TEST: # we use yuicompressor in test, because it is much faster m.MINIFY_CMD_JS = 'java -jar %s --type js' % os.path.join(m.CUBANE_PATH, 'bin', 'yui', 'yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar') m.MINIFY_CMD_CSS = 'java -jar %s --type css' % os.path.join(m.CUBANE_PATH, 'bin', 'yui', 'yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar') else: m.MINIFY_CMD_JS = 'java -jar %s' % os.path.join(m.CUBANE_PATH, 'bin', 'closure-compiler', 'compiler.jar') m.MINIFY_CMD_CSS = 'java -jar %s --type css' % os.path.join(m.CUBANE_PATH, 'bin', 'yui', 'yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar') # # Dashboard # m.CUBANE_DASHBOARD = False # # Default Operations # m.CUBANE_LISTING_DEFAULT_CLEAN = True m.CUBANE_LISTING_DEFAULT_MERGE = True # # Default CMS settings # m.CMS_RENDER_SLOT_CONTAINER = False m.CMS_TEMPLATES = ( ('cubane/cms/default_template.html', 'Default Template'), ) m.CMS_NAVIGATION = ( ('header', 'Header'), ('footer', 'Footer'), ) m.CMS_NAVIGATION_INCLUDE_CHILD_PAGES = False m.CMS_EXCERPT_LENGTH = 60 m.CMS_NO_AUTO_EXCERPT = False m.CMS_SLOTNAMES = ['content'] m.CMS_NAVIGATION_RELATED_FIELDS = ['image'] m.CMS_TEST_SPF = True m.CMS_SOFTFAIL_SPF = False m.CMS_ADV_EDITOR_PLUGINS = False m.CMS_DEFAULT_SLOTNAME = 'content' m.CMS_BACKEND_SITEMAP = False m.CMS_META_TITLE_SEPARATOR = ' | ' # # Default Google Analytics key in debug mode # m.DEBUG_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS = None # # Admin and managers # m.ADMINS = m.MANAGERS = ( ('admin', admin_email), ) m.INTERNAL_IPS = ( '', ) # # Default session serializer (Extended JSON) # m.SESSION_SERIALIZER = 'cubane.serializers.ExtendedJSONSerializer' # # Backend permissions and ACLs # m.CUBANE_BACKEND_PERMISSIONS = False m.CUBANE_BACKEND_ACL = {} m.CUBANE_BACKEND_DEFAULT_ACL = { 'create': Acl.ALL, 'read': Acl.ALL, 'update': Acl.ALL, 'delete': Acl.ALL, 'data_import': Acl.ALL, 'data_export': Acl.ALL, 'merge': Acl.ALL } # # Cubane backend editor # m.CUBANE_BACKEND_EDITOR_PLUGINS = [ '-advlist', '-autolink', '-charmap', '-print', '-searchreplace', '-visualblocks', '-code', '-fullscreen', '-insertdatetime', '-table', '-paste', '-nonbreaking', '-lists', '-cubanepreview', '-cubanelink' ] m.CUBANE_BACKEND_EDITOR_YOUTUBE = True # # Depreceated: Default backend presentation # m.BACKEND_THEME = { 'product_name': 'inystem', 'hide_innershed_logo': False, 'color': { 'r': 232, 'g': 48, 'b': 138 } } # # Default backend button labels # m.CUBANE_BACKEND_DEFAULT_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL = 'Save <small>And Close</small>' m.CUBANE_BACKEND_DEFAULT_SAVE_AND_CONTINUE_BUTTON_LABEL = 'Save <small>And Continue</small>' m.CUBANE_BACKEND_DEFAULT_BACK_BUTTON_LABEL = 'Back' # # Media options # m.CUBANE_BACKEND_MEDIA = True m.CUBANE_HASHED_MEDIA_URLS = False m.CUBANE_DEFAULT_MEDIA_PREVIEW_EXT = '.jpg' m.CUBANE_MEDIA_VERSIONS = True # # Video # m.CUBANE_VIDEO_TYPES = [ 'youtube' ] # # Timezone, Language and Formatting # m.TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/London' m.LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-GB' m.USE_I18N = False m.DATE_FORMAT = 'd/m/Y' m.TIME_FORMAT = 'P' m.DATETIME_FORMAT = 'd/m/Y H:i' m.STR_DATE_FORMAT = '%d_%m_%Y' m.DATE_INPUT_FORMATS = ( '%Y-%m-%d', # 2006-10-25s '%d/%m/%Y', # 25/10/2006 '%d/%m/%y', # 25/10/06 '%d-%b-%y', # 30-Dec-06 ) m.TIME_INPUT_FORMATS = ( '%H:%M:%S', # 14:30:55 '%H:%M:%S.%f', # 14:30:55.123 '%H:%M', # 14:30 '%I:%M %p' # 2:30 PM ) m.DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS = ( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M', # '2010-10-10T10:15' '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', # '25/10/2006 14:30:59' '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f', # '25/10/2006 14:30:59.000200' '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M', # '25/10/2006 14:30' '%d/%m/%Y', # '25/10/2006' '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S', # '25/10/06 14:30:59' '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S.%f', # '25/10/06 14:30:59.000200' '%d/%m/%y %H:%M', # '25/10/06 14:30' '%d/%m/%y', # '25/10/06' ) # # Default database setup # m.DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': m.DATABASE_NAME } } # # Speed up unit testing by switching database engine to sqlite3, unless # the env. specifies to run a full test and not speeding up unit testing. # m.TEST_FULL = False if m.TEST: # pragma: no cover m.TEST_FULL = os.environ.get('DEV_TEST_FULL', '0') == '1' if not m.TEST_FULL: m.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3' # # Turn off django migrations if we are running under test. # See: # if m.TEST: m.MIGRATION_MODULES = {'myapp': None} # # Static and cache # m.CACHE_ENABLED = True m.CACHE_PUBLISH_ENABLED = True m.STATIC_URL = '/static/' m.PUBLIC_HTML_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(m.BASE_PATH, '..', '..', 'public_html')) m.CACHE_ROOT = os.path.join(m.PUBLIC_HTML_ROOT, 'cache') m.STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(m.PUBLIC_HTML_ROOT, 'static') m.STATICFILES_DIRS = ( os.path.join(m.BASE_PATH, 'static'), ) # # Media # if m.DEBUG or m.TEST: m.MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(m.BASE_PATH, 'media')) else: m.MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(m.BASE_PATH, '..', '..', 'public_html', 'media')) m.MEDIA_URL = 'media/' m.MEDIA_API_URL = 'media-api/' # # Media Download Url # m.MEDIA_DOWNLOAD_URL = 'download/' # # Fonts # m.CUBANE_FONT_ROOT = os.path.join(m.MEDIA_ROOT, 'fonts') m.CUBANE_FONT_BACKENDS = [ 'cubane.fonts.backends.GoogleFontsBackend', ] # # Responsive image sizes # m.DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = 'x-large' m.CMS_EDITOR_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = 'x-large' m.IMAGE_SIZES = { 'xx-small': 50, 'x-small': 160, 'small': 320, 'medium': 640, 'large': 900, 'x-large': 1200 } if high_res_images: m.DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = 'xxx-large' m.CMS_EDITOR_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = 'xxx-large' m.IMAGE_SIZES.update({ 'xx-large': 1600, 'xxx-large': 2400 }) m.DISABLE_DEVICE_RATIO = False # # Automatic image fitting # m.IMAGE_FITTING_ENABLED = False m.IMAGE_FITTING_SHAPES = [] m.IMAGE_FITTING_COLOR = 'white' # # Convert PNG files without transparency to JPG files # m.IMAGE_CONVERT_PNG_TO_JPG = True # # The default image compression for jpeg images # m.IMAGE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY = 82 # # Image Optimization # m.IMAGE_OPTIMIZE = True m.IMAGE_JPEG_OPT_COMMAND = 'jpegtran -optimize -progressive -copy none -outfile %(dest)s %(source)s' m.IMAGE_PNG_OPT_COMMAND = 'optipng -o 0 -quiet -out %(dest)s %(source)s' # # Image PDF preview generation # m.IMAGE_PDF_PREVIEW_COMMAND = 'gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -o %(dest)s -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -dJPEGQ=84 -r120 %(source)s' # # Maximal width considered to be saved as an original on the server # m.IMG_MAX_WIDTH = 2400 # # Default image shape and image generator settings # m.DEFAULT_IMAGE_SHAPE = 'original' m.IMAGE_SHAPES = {} m.IMAGE_SHAPE_NAMES = {} m.IMAGE_ART_DIRECTION = {} # # Additional image information # m.IMAGE_CREDITS = image_credits m.IMAGE_EXTRA_TITLE = False m.IMAGE_CAPTION_LABEL = 'Caption' m.IMAGE_CAPTION_HELP_TEXT = 'Leave empty to fill automatically; Briefly describe the content of the image or document. This information is associated with the image or document and is analysed by search engines.' m.IMAGE_EXTRA_TITLE_LABEL = 'Description' m.IMAGE_EXTRA_TITLE_HELP_TEXT = 'If you wish to add an extra description to the image or document.' # # Devdeloper Information # m.CUBANE_PROVIDED_BY = {} # # Site Notification # m.CUBANE_SITE_NOTIFICATION = False # # Client Logo # m.CLIENT_LOGO = 'client-logo.png' # # Developer Logo # m.DEVELOPER_LOGO = 'developer-logo.png' # # Favicon Sizes used to generate the various favicons for different browsers # m.FAVICON_PATH = 'img' m.FAVICON_FILENAME = 'favicon.png' m.FAVICON_PNG_SIZES = [ {'size': '16x16', 'filename': 'favicon-16x16.png'}, {'size': '24x24', 'filename': 'favicon-24x24.png'}, {'size': '32x32', 'filename': 'favicon-32x32.png'}, {'size': '48x48', 'filename': 'favicon-48x48.png'}, {'size': '57x57', 'filename': 'favicon-57x57.png'}, {'size': '60x60', 'filename': 'favicon-60x60.png'}, {'size': '64x64', 'filename': 'favicon-64x64.png'}, {'size': '70x70', 'filename': 'favicon-70x70.png'}, {'size': '72x72', 'filename': 'favicon-72x72.png'}, {'size': '76x76', 'filename': 'favicon-76x76.png'}, {'size': '96x96', 'filename': 'favicon-96x96.png'}, {'size': '114x114', 'filename': 'favicon-114x114.png'}, {'size': '120x120', 'filename': 'favicon-120x120.png'}, {'size': '128x128', 'filename': 'favicon-128x128.png'}, {'size': '144x144', 'filename': 'favicon-144x144.png'}, {'size': '150x150', 'filename': 'favicon-150x150.png'}, {'size': '152x152', 'filename': 'favicon-152x152.png'}, {'size': '196x196', 'filename': 'favicon-196x196.png'}, {'size': '310x150', 'filename': 'favicon-310x150.png'}, {'size': '310x310', 'filename': 'favicon-310x310.png'} ] m.FAVICON_ICO_SIZES = [ {'size': '16x16', 'filename': 'favicon-16x16.png'}, {'size': '24x24', 'filename': 'favicon-24x24.png'}, {'size': '32x32', 'filename': 'favicon-32x32.png'}, {'size': '48x48', 'filename': 'favicon-48x48.png'}, {'size': '64x64', 'filename': 'favicon-64x64.png'}, {'size': '128x128', 'filename': 'favicon-128x128.png'} ] # # Default middleware # m.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'cubane.middleware.SettingsMiddleware' ) # # CSRF # if csrf: m.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', ) + m.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES # # Templates # m.TEMPLATES = get_default_templates(m.BASE_PATH, m.DEBUG) # # Default apps # m.INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.sitemaps', 'django.contrib.staticfiles' ) # # Frontend editing # m.CUBANE_FRONTEND_EDITING = frontend_editing if frontend_editing: m.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ( 'cubane.middleware.FrontendEditingMiddleware', ) m.INSTALLED_APPS += ( 'cubane.frontend', 'cubane.frontendloader', ) # # Default locale # m.CUBANE_LOCALE = b'en_GB.UTF-8' # # Captcha # m.CAPTCHA = None m.RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = '' m.RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = '' m.CAPTCHA_PLACEHOLDER = '' # # Google Map API Key # m.CUBANE_GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY = '' # # Google analytics # m.CUBANE_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ASYNC = False # # Mail # m.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '[%s] ' % domain_name if m.DEBUG: if email_file_log: m.EMAIL_BACKEND = 'cubane.backends.EmailEmlFileBackend' m.EMAIL_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(m.BASE_PATH, 'log') else: m.EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' if m.TEST: m.EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend' # # Login and Authentication # m.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', 'cubane.backends.EmailAuthBackend', ) # # Urls # m.APPEND_SLASH = True m.PREPEND_WWW = not m.DEBUG # # SSL - Determines whether the website should run ssl or not. This will # affect page redirects (which would be https:// rather than http:// but # will not neccessarily redirect from http:// to https:// automatically). # m.SSL = ssl if ssl: m.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ('cubane.middleware.SSLResponseRedirectMiddleware',) # # Default logging setup # m.LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse' } }, 'handlers': { 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler' } }, 'loggers': { 'django.request': { 'handlers': ['mail_admins'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, } } # # Default file upload handlers # m.FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS = ( 'django.core.files.uploadhandler.TemporaryFileUploadHandler', ) # # Default resource targets # m.RESOURCES = {} m.CSS_MEDIA = ['screen', 'print'] # # Default Require.js entry files # Array of config dict: [{'filepath':s, 'baseurl':s, 'module':s},...] # filepath: to id the file that needs to be compiled to a single file # baseURL: root directory to every module search (optional) # module: name of the module e.g. main (from main.js) (optional) # m.REQUIRE_JS = [] # # Default configuration for backend listings # m.MAX_LISTING_COLUMNS = 6 # # Default location for google map (backend) # m.DEFAULT_MAP_LOCATION = [52.6370209, 1.2996577] # # Default configuration for paginator # m.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 10 m.DEFAULT_MIN_PAGE_SIZE = 10 m.DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 100 # # Shop defaults # m.SHOP_PREAUTH = False m.SHOP_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = {} m.SHOP_BASKET_SESSION_VAR = 'ishop_basket' m.SHOP_BASKET_ALLOWED_PREFIX = ['ishop_basket'] m.SHOP_BASKET_BACKEND_PREFIX = 'ishop_backend' m.SHOP_DEFAULT_DELIVERY_COUNTRY_ISO = 'GB' m.TRACKING_PROVIDERS = [] m.SHOP_LOCALE = b'en_GB.UTF-8' m.SHOP_ENABLE_KIT_BUILDER = False m.SHOP_VARIETY_FILTER_ENABLED = True m.SHOP_MULTIPLE_CATEGORIES = False m.SHOP_CHANGE_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD_ENABLED = True m.SHOP_LOAD_VARIETY_PREVIEW = True # # Payment Gateways # m.GATEWAY_TEST = 0 m.GATEWAY_SAGEPAY = 1 m.GATEWAY_PAYPAL = 2 m.GATEWAY_STRIPE = 3 m.GATEWAY_DEKO = 4 m.GATEWAY_OMNIPORT = 5 m.GATEWAY_CHOICES = ( (m.GATEWAY_TEST, 'Test Gateway'), (m.GATEWAY_SAGEPAY, 'Sagepay'), (m.GATEWAY_PAYPAL, 'PayPal'), (m.GATEWAY_STRIPE, 'Stripe'), (m.GATEWAY_DEKO, 'Deko'), (m.GATEWAY_OMNIPORT, 'OmniPort') ) # # Default Payment gateways used # m.SHOP_LOAN_ENABLED = False m.SHOP_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_GATEWAY = m.GATEWAY_SAGEPAY m.SHOP_LOAN_PAYMENT_GATEWAY = m.GATEWAY_DEKO m.SHOP_PAYMENT_CONFIG = {} m.SHOP_TEST_MODE = m.DEBUG # # Allow pages to use hierarchy # m.PAGE_HIERARCHY = False # # Postcode Lookup # m.POSTCODE_GETADDRESS = 0 m.POSTCODE_PROVIDERS = ( (m.POSTCODE_GETADDRESS, '') ) m.DEFAULT_POSTCODE_PROVIDER = m.POSTCODE_GETADDRESS m.POSTCODE_PROVIDER = m.DEFAULT_POSTCODE_PROVIDER m.POSTCODE_DEBUG = False # # Status Code handlers # m.HANDLER_404 = 'cubane.default_views.custom404' m.HANDLER_500 = 'cubane.default_views.custom500' # Pull from production server m.CUBANE_PULL = { 'DATABASE': pull_db_name if pull_db_name else m.DATABASE_NAME, 'HOST': pull_host if pull_host else m.DOMAIN_NAME, 'USER': pull_user if pull_user else 'root', 'DBDUMP': 'pg_dump', 'SUDO': pull_sudo if pull_sudo else m.DOMAIN_NAME if not pull_user else None, 'SHELL': pull_shell if pull_shell else 'sh', 'SUDO_DEFINED': pull_user is None } # # Debug Toolbar (Debug only) # m.DEBUG_TOOLBAR = debug_toolbar if m.DEBUG and debug_toolbar: m.INSTALLED_APPS = m.INSTALLED_APPS + ('debug_toolbar',) m.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ('debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware',) + m.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES m.DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS = [ 'debug_toolbar.panels.versions.VersionsPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.timer.TimerPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.settings.SettingsPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.headers.HeadersPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.request.RequestPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.sql.SQLPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.staticfiles.StaticFilesPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.cache.CachePanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.signals.SignalsPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.logging.LoggingPanel', 'debug_toolbar.panels.redirects.RedirectsPanel', #'debug_toolbar.panels.templates.TemplatesPanel' ] return SettingWrapper(m)