Modules and Extensions

Cubane itself is modular: Different Django apps are providing different aspects of Cubane.

For example, the app cubane itself provides the core system but then important aspects like fonts, SVG icons, the CMS system or the shop system are individual Django apps.

  • The app cubane.cms provides content management functionality.
  • cubane.backend provides a backend system.
  • provides an eCommerce system.

This modularity allows you to only load the apps that you actually need but it also presents challenges how the different parts can extend each other.


For example, the CMS system provides a way to generate a sitemap and provides a navigation system. When using the very same CMS system in combination with the shop system then the shop system would need to utilise services provided by the CMS system such as sitemap and navigation.

For example, since the shop system is introducing products, it would need to extend the navigation system to include product pages. Likewise, such product pages would also need to be listed within the sitemap.xml file by extending the sitemap system provided by the CMS system.

In the same way your own app might need to extend various parts of various sub-systems depending on your requirements.

For this purpose, each Cubane module provides a specific mechanism by which a certain aspect can be extended by overriding certain class methods. The pattern is always the same, it starts with a specific function that needs to be implemented in the file in the root folder of the app or module:

def install_nav(nav):
    from myapp.nav import MyNavigationExtension
    return nav.register_extension(MyNavigationExtension)

The function install_nav is called by the system in order to extend the cubane.cms.nav.CMSNavigationBuilder class, which is part of the CMS system. Keep in mind that multiple apps may implement the same pattern and will therefore extend the very same class.

The class is passed as an argument to the function (nav). The class method register_extension is then called in order to extend the class with additional functionality by basically overriding certain methods.

The extension class itself is simply derived from object:

class MyNavigationExtension(object):
    def get_objects(self, objects):
        Override: Include 'navigation_image'
        objects = super(MyNavigationExtension, self).get_objects(objects)
        return objects.select_related('navigation_image')

    def get_nav_item(self, page, nav_name=None):
        Override: Add additional properties to a navigation item.
        item = super(MyNavigationExtension, self).get_nav_item(page, nav_name)
        item['navigation_image'] = page.navigation_image
        return item


Be aware that your app might not be the only one who is extending a sub-system. Always use super() in order to play nice with others; otherwise you may end up preventing other apps from overriding methods.

Not all installation methods support the extension of an underlying class via register_extension. Some may only provide an opportunity to interact with a certain object.

Common Extensions

A number of different apps are using the extension mechanism in order to allow other apps to extend part of their infrastructure. The following list gives an overview of the most common extensions that are provided by Cubane which can be extended by using the register_extension method:

App Installer Method Base Class
cubane install_resource_manager(resource_manager) cubane.lib.resources.ResourceManager
cubane.cms install_cms(cms) cubane.cms.views.CMS
cubane.cms install_page_context(page_context) cubane.cms.views.PageContext
cubane.cms install_nav(nav) cubane.cms.nav.CMSNavigationBuilder

See also

Please refer to section :ref:`` for more information about extending the resource manager class cubane.lib.resources.ResourceManager.

Section :ref:`` is describing the extension of the cubane.cms.views.CMS class.

Section :ref:`` is describing the extension of the page context cubane.cms.views.PageContext as part of the CMS system.

Finally, please refer to section Navigation Builder for more information about extending the class cubane.cms.nav.CMSNavigationBuilder as part of the navigation system.


The backend is using a similar concept, where each app can define an installation function such as install_backend in order to register backend sections to the backend system.

def install_backend(backend):

This way, each app can install certain components for the backend system such as backend sections, API endpoints and/or dashboard widgets.

See also

Please refer to the reference documentation of the cubane.backend.views.Backend class or section Backend Views for more information.